High Seas Team

High Seas

August 19, 2022

8 Critical Pillars of Robust Enterprise Website Development

Enterprise websites provide the power for your company to compete in today's digitalized age and stay on top of the market.

A robust, well-designed enterprise website ensures that your service will always remain available, which is especially important when customers are searching and contacting your business online.

A successful enterprise web development must be able to meet the needs of a large number of users while still being accessible and easy to use. It must also be scalable so that it can grow as your business grows. And finally, it must be secure, to protect both your business and your customers. 

As an experienced and expert enterprise web development company, we’ve compiled the critical pillars for developing a robust enterprise website that meets all of these requirements.

8 Critical Pillars for Developing Robust Enterprise Websites

There are eight critical components for developing robust enterprise websites, which we’ve outlined below. While these are not exhaustive, they’re intended to familiarize you with what to expect when you outsource your project to an enterprise web development company.


When beginning an enterprise web development project, remember that a well-designed website needs to be scalable to handle increased traffic loads properly. Websites lacking scalability risk crashing or becoming slow and unresponsive when hit by large influxes of web traffic. 

During the defining phase of the enterprise website development process, before your enterprise web development company begins building your website, form a “big picture” of how your website will need to operate in the future. A well-crafted, scalably designed website will help ensure it can easily be upgraded and expanded as new website features and functions are added. 

Ensuring your enterprise website development project is scalable helps to protect your investment and keep your website running smoothly as your business grows and new website functionality checklists are added.


Accessible websites benefit more than just those with disabilities. Including accessibility in your website functionality checklist can help those with situational limitations, temporary disabilities, age-related challenges, and even those experiencing internet connectivity issues. 

When choosing High Seas for enterprise web development services, you’re choosing a web development crew that meets the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards for all electronic information and technology. Whether you’re just visiting a website or software program built by High Seas or beginning a custom software or enterprise website development project, we ensure everyone has access to the features and functionalities they need.


Top-notch security should be one of your main concerns during enterprise website development. In addition to the safeguarding of servers and computer systems, you’ll need to be able to trust your enterprise web development company to protect against cyber threats and other online risks. 

A security breach that exposes you or your clients’ sensitive information could cause immediate loss of trust between you and your clients, regardless of how small the breach or how quickly it’s found. 

As part of the website development process, an expert outsourced web developer, like High Seas, will ensure your web design complies with essential, up-to-date security protocols and policies. Your business’s—and your clients’—sensitive data will remain protected. Maintaining top-of-the-line security measures has the added benefit of communicating professionalism and a desire for excellence to your customers.

Cost Control

When considering whose enterprise web development services to contract, keep cost control in mind. Hiring expert web developers helps to ensure that your development costs don’t exceed the initially estimated development budget. 

Cost control is a critical pillar of robust, fully optimized enterprise web development. Controlling the costs of the web development process helps your company ensure your custom website is profitable and sustainable. 

Some of the ways to control costs during enterprise web development are using open-source technologies whenever applicable to save on licensing fees. Developers can then optimize the code for your website features and functions to reduce server costs. 

Another way to reduce and control enterprise web development costs is for your developer team to use cloud-based solutions, which minimize your maintenance fees and infrastructure costs, such as data centers and server storage. 

Carefully controlling your enterprise web development costs is one of the major factors that leads to profitable, sustainable enterprise websites.


When looking to the future of how an enterprise website will operate and perform down the line as your company grows and evolves, interoperability is one of the critical pillars that needs your attention. When considering interoperability in the context of enterprise website development, it means websites are designed and coded in a way that allows easy, straightforward connectivity to other enterprise software applications. 

Web designs with well-coded interoperability tend to reduce the overall project cost, as web development features that don’t need to be duplicated or re-coded to sync with other software applications save both time and money. 

Another benefit of interoperability in enterprise web development is that it makes it easy to integrate new applications and technologies as soon as they’re available. As the needs of your business change, an enterprise website with interoperability can adapt and evolve, ensuring your business’s online presence is already ready to go, no matter your business’s changing requirements.

Great Performance

When creating a custom website to represent your organization, two of the biggest enterprise website development challenges are performance and speed. Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs) like Google, the gold standard, prioritize site speed at any traffic volume. 

Having a site that can perform under high influxes of traffic should be one of your highest priorities. You want your web development process to result in an enterprise website that is fast, reliable, and highly secure. 

A high-performing, interactive website with intuitive design is integral for creating and curating a positive user experience. Users quickly lose patience and page-hop when a website is slow to load or has frequent crashes, which can also lead to distrust of the site’s reputation. 

When you're looking for enterprise website development, you want a company that will provide you with a high-traffic website that can handle large amounts of traffic. High Seas specializes in enterprise website development and can create a solid foundation for success in the digital age. Our enterprise web development company is designed to help you take advantage of opportunities in the digital market and grow your business.

Clear Navigations

Clear information architecture (IA) is a key component of well-designed enterprise website development. Your website needs to be easily, intuitively navigable and provide users with the information they need in a logical, accessible interface. When users can’t quickly find what they’re looking for or access the particular web development features they need, they’re going to go elsewhere for that information. 

A website designed with clearly defined information architecture leads to increased user engagement, satisfaction, and improved conversion rates.

Conversion-Focused Design

A good enterprise website design has always been about creating an effective user experience that leads people to take the actions you want them to take on your site. In the early days of the internet, that might have just been clicking a link to another page. But as businesses increasingly looked to websites to generate leads and sales, design principles began to evolve with the goal of driving conversions. 

By using conversion-focused design principles, businesses can create a website that looks good and is laser-focused on meeting their specific goals. In addition, by reducing content clutter and carefully guiding users through the site, conversion-focused design can help increase lead generation and sales creation. 

And because these principles are based on data and user testing, they can be constantly tweaked and improved over time to ensure that your website is always optimized for conversion.

Set Sail on Your Next Enterprise Website Development with High Seas

Now that you’re familiar with the critical pillars for developing robust enterprise websites, it’s time to start shopping around for enterprise web development services. High Seas is a web development company with years of experience in enterprise web development. We know how to build websites that are secure, scalable, and full of features and functions that your users will love.

Contact High Seas to set sail with our enterprise web development services. We'll be happy to answer any of your questions and get your project started on the right course.

High Seas Team
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High Seas

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By: High Seas